Stem Cell History | Exploring the Roots of Regenerative Medicine

The information used to compile this Stem Cell Research Timeline comes from many different sources, including the National Institutes of Health. A useful list of links to other stem cell research timelines from around the Web can be found at the bottom of this page.

Though there was some evidence of stem cells or ‘special cells’ able to produce other cells as early as the late 1800s, this timeline begins in 1961 with the first published study that accidentally identified cells that are able to renew indefinitely for a variety of uses.

Stem Cell History Timeline 1961-2009

February 1, 1961:
Till & McCulloch establish the foundation for stem cell science.

July 12, 1974:
Congress Bans All Federally Funded Fetal Tissue Research

July 12, 1974:
National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research

Ethics Advisory Board Established

President Reagan Kills Ethics Advisory Board

Federal Panel Approves Funding of Embryo Research

President George H.W. Bush Vetos Bill Lifting Moratorium

President Clinton Executive Order Lifts Moratorium

President Clinton Reverses Order